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We help you achieve
a planned trip
Discover popular attractions, hidden gems,
local eateries, and exciting activities that
suit your interests.

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Our Story
Vacations have gotten expensive post covid due to
airlines & hospitality sector trying to recoup losses
during the pandemic by charging higher prices, wage
inflation causing other service industries to raise prices.
The number of options for travel has also risen
substantially due to Instagram, and people discovering
new & exotic travel destinations every day. Vacation
Divvy was birthed to ease the plan and process.
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Top Value For You
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Plan & Explore
Provides you with a wide range
of budget-friendly suggestions
and recommendations for every
aspect of your trip.
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Save Budget
Provides you with a wide range
of budget-friendly suggestions
and recommendations for every
aspect of your trip.
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Enjoy Your Trip
Provides you with a wide range
of budget-friendly suggestions
and recommendations for every
aspect of your trip.
Identify your next vacation
and save accordingly
Identify a specific vacation you want to take, lock
in the prices for the future dates you want to go and
start saving towards that goal.
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